Do as I say and not as I do! The famous words of every parent attempting to have their child grow up into a successful adult. But, honestly children are going to repeat the same behaviors as we do as we are the reflection by which they learn as we learned from our parents and so on.
The simplest advice in parenting I can give is lead by example. If we want our children to grow up and be contributing members of society we must give them an example in which to live by.
Be patient, listen, watch and learn from our children they tell us thru multiple means what it is they are in need of. Behavior is their primary language and the easiest to discern need so why are we so resistant to taking a deeper look?
The simplest answer is time. We are often so busy worrying about the next thing that needs to be accomplished that we forget to enjoy the moment we are in.
Be patient, listen, watch and learn from our children they tell us what it is they are in need of and have an unconditional acceptance that we will be up for the task.
With childhood being such a small increment of time in the lifespan. We need to be mindful of the moments that are being created and not so over focused on what needs to be done next.
So how do we shift this perspective?
This is a question we can explore together so let's talk.